Saturday, August 14, 2010

Meet aGain!

Assalamualaikum :D 
Lamenye tak update blog ni, hehehe.. ala, bukannya ada follower pun, hahaha.. but ade my sis tu, asyik suruh sy update je.. dah berhabuk katenye blog sy ni.. aah, mmg berhabuk pun.. ade sarang labah2 lagi, hahaha :P kalau nak diikutkan, last post ari tu bulan 12, maksudnya, dah 8 bulan la tak update, hahaha :P 
hurmm.. pe nak crita eh? Hehe.. rasenye tak terlambat lagi nak wish selamat menyambut bulan puasa yang penuh keberkatan ni.. semoga ramadhan kali ni lebih bermakna buat semua, amin. J lots of things happened within these 8 months. But of course I prefer to talk about my life in campus, hehe.. sem ni saye bertekad nak aktif. Tak kire la, dalam cocu ataupun cucu. The thing is, I got that opportunity! Alhamdulillah J sem ni saye jadi Block Representative Council ataupun BRC. Perlu ke? Hahaha.. BRC je kot T_T ajk2 kecik je, hehehe..  under bureau of International Affairs, just because that I’m a TEASlian, owh my, huhuhu.. hari tu dah g team building dia, best2.. paling mencabar bile kene wat logo UIA daripada keratan2 kertas.. mau pening pale otak, ekeke.. plus, memang mencabar la bile kene nyanyi2 n menari sekali kat pentas.. T_T waaa tak suke! Tak suke! Huhuhu.. not to forget, we are going to organize Grand Iftar Jamaie’. Saye in charge bahagian catering. Nak pilih menu pun dah pening2, huhuhu.. tu kat dalam mahallah..
Kat kampus lak saye berjaya meloloskan diri masuk ke bureau of education kt dalam BEDSA.. hahaha.. alhamdulillah la terpilih J what is BEDSA? BEDSA is Bachelor of Education Students’ Association. Ha, tu kot, hahaha. First activity for this bureu is to organize a facilitator camp for edu students. The problem is, we don’t even submit the proposal, yet.. owh my~ banyak sgt problem. Pada saye yang agak berpengalaman dalam organize activity ni, perkara penting adalah kite kene sentiasa ade progres. Walaupun seto’et je, hehe.. plus, kene selalu wat meeting. But~ I’m not the one who have a big3 position to advice my PM. KULI je T_T.. nanti org kate mandai2 pulak.. huhuhu.. regarding to the programme, I got a sponsor!! Yeaaaa! U know what, that guy is my chatting friend :D thanks to you ;) baik tau dia, hehehe.. I’m too excited bcz it is my first time got a sponsor by my own :D weehoooo! :D
I think that is all from me for this entry.. err, bile bace balik, giler teruk bahasa.. sungguh pasar T_T ampun..
C ya! :D salam..


  1. kim salam kat kawan awak tu yer... nanti suh laa dia sponsor saya plak... :P
